We are so very pleased to say that we have an understanding in place with SGI (Saskatchewan Government Insurance), regarding Vintage Vehicle Standards
The SAACC is able to bring our concerns directly to the table for discussion, clarification and/or potentially amendment of the laws that affect our hobby.
They have already assisted many with navigating the system towards resolving issues.
We are truly honoured to work together to ensure ongoing collaboration when it comes to vintage vehicle equipment standards.
When speaking to the Director of Carrier & Vehicle Safety Services at SGI, they had this to say: "As far as the relationship goes, the feeling is mutual! SGI is lucky to not only have associations like the SAACC at the table when looking at vintage vehicle equipment standards, but members of that association that work towards a mutually beneficial outcome for both car enthusiasts, and the safety of the motoring public."
We have been integral in implementation of same year licence plates and collector licence plates and so much more. We continue to work with them on the existing regulations for the Modified Vintage Vehicle (Model year 1958 to Model year 1970). There are ongoing discussions about Model year 1971 and those vintage vehicles Model year 1971 to 1987.
Consider joining the Association to contribute to the Hobby in the best way possible!